Friday, November 9, 2018

Come to know two important things an organization does to bring Cambodian entrepreneurs to the international stage

President of the Global Entrepreneurship Network of Cambodia, announced that from now on, its members will have two special conditions to continue Its activities both nationally and internationally.

(Oknha Sok Piseth, President of Global Entrepreneurship Network Cambodia)

 Oknha Sok Piseth, president of the Global Entrepreneurship Network, told Sabay that after its inauguration, the organization will continue three Helping Cambodian entrepreneurs to have a broader opportunity. On the other hand, the organization has partnered with government officials and the global network to help strengthen the capacity of young students and entrepreneurs. Which is highly creative in starting their businesses. First, he said, the organization would focus on national and global operational policies, and secondly, ensuring members' Knowledge of the economy, ecosystem, culture, language and geography. Please be informed that the Global Network for Global Entrepreneurship Network was officially launched on November 8, 2018. The organization has acted as a web project and program with 170 other countries in the world.

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